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A-Shell 6.5 Development Notes

//XL, AddFootnote, {text=} text {,title=text}

Footnotes are useful for providing explanatory details about how the data in the spreadsheet was compiled.

The AddFootnote directive can appear multiple times anywhere in the file. Each instance of adds a footnote to the bottom of the current sheet. If no title is specified, the default title "Footnotes:" will be used. For example,

//XL,AddFootnote,1) This is footnote #1

//XL,AddFootnote,"2) Data source: Manny, Moe and Jack"

The above pair of directives would cause the following to be added to the bottom of the current sheet, below any totals:

+ Footnotes:

The actual footnotes are collapsed within the group; clicking the "+" will expand them to show:


1) This is footnote #1

2) Data source: Manny, Moe and Jack



Footnotes will appear in the order the corresponding directives appear.
There is no automatic formatting or numbering; you will need to supply your own.
Make sure to quote the footnote in the directive if it contains commas.