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A-Shell 6.5 Development Notes

Enhancement, compiler edit 910: new ++pragma provides a way to assign a name to the LSX file that includes the vedit field of the program version:

++PRAGMA LSX_FSPEC "filespec"

where "filespec" can be an A-Shell-style or native filespec, optionally including the following special macros:

%s program source name (without directory or extension)

%v the vedit field of the PROGRAM statement (or zero if not avail)

For example:

PROGRAM FOO,1.0(245)




If the program above is compiled with the /LF switch, the LSX file will be named LSXARC:FOO-245.LSX.


The ++PRAGMA does not by itself activate the /LF switch.
The ++PRAGMA may appear before or after the PROGRAM statement.
The ++PRAGMA has no effect if compiling an LSX file (in which case the list file will have the same name as the LSX source file except with an LSY extension.
If the filespec in the ++PRAGMA statement does not specify an extension, LSX is assumed.