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A-Shell 6.5 Development Notes

XMPP.SBR: instant messaging via XMPP / Jabber
OAUTH2 authentication
JSON related operations
SQUEEZ record-oriented data compression algorithm
XRUNLOG enables customized activity tracking
ØNew type code ||1 resets timer on each keystroke and each elapsed second
ØNew type code ||p disables clipboard paste, warning about CAPS lock
ØNew type code ||W disables mousewheel (in a combo)
ØNew type codes |* and ||* improve password handling
ØNew type codes |9, |#, ||`
ØKeyboard navigation, data validation, password security, etc.
ØIncrease max size of multi-line field from 1K to 4K
ØSETDEF now supports ordered maps; literal quotes; empty fields
New MIAMEX functions 191 - 204:
ØMX_SRCHPATH (191) searches for a file in the system path
ØMX_DYNSTRUCT (192) implements A-Shell's Dynamic Structures
ØMX_DYNFUNC (193) provides DYNFUNC-related utilities
ØMX_GETWINFILEVER (194) retrieves version of a Windows DLL or executable
ØMX_FILEVAR (195) gets/sets the value of the file record number variable, and, in the case of ISAMA, the stats variable
ØMX_FILETIMES (196) sets a file's last modification time (mtime), creation time (ctime), and/or last access time (atime)
ØMX_GETDPI (197) gets monitor resolution
ØMX_GETUPTIME (198) gets system uptime
ØMX_DRAGDROP (199) accepts drag drop
ØMX_AS3264 (200) gest A-Shell architecture (32- or 64-bit)
ØMX_BASERR (201) arbitrarily triggers a BASIC error
ØMX_TRANSCOPY (202) copies a file and applies regular expression pattern match / replacement translations
ØMX_RUNPROF (203) enables / disables profiling
ØMX_DIRCLEAN (204) selectively clears files from a directory
MIAMEX functions:
ØMX_GETCMDINP/MX_SETCMDINP selective command input enable/disable
ØMX_FILETIMES supports redirection to ATE and last access timestamp (and Y2K38 fix)
ØMX_FILESTATS supports last access timestamp (and Y2K38 fix)
ØMX_DYNSTRUCT can retrieve structure definition from RUN (if embedded); support work area extension
ØNew opcode SQLOP_FETCH_GRID – fetch query results into a GRIDMAP
ØFETCHR_NULL – return NULLs as “NULL” instead of “”
ØFETCHR_ROWMAP – now supported in ODBC connector
ØFETCH_MAXLENS – retrieve max field lengths relative to result set
ØSupport for Microsoft SQL Server Linux ODBC driver
ØDirectives SetBanner, AddLink, SetOutputFormat, SetGroup, AddFootnote, SetPrint, SetINI
ØMultiple worksheet support in AddSheet
ØSupport alternate delimiters (TAB and pipe)
ØRGB mode, cell-level attributes
ØEmbedded ^m auto-adjusts height
ØIntegration with XTREE export, including fg/bg colors
ØSendToPC and SaveToDir enhancements
PRTXLS: Improvements to column separation, bug fixes
ØExpanded limits (password length, list of recipients, attachment names)
ØNew configuration directives REDIRECT, ADDBCC
ØAdd subject to LOGLVL 4 log
CRYPTO: add support for additional file formats XML, JWK, DER (PKCS1 or PKCS8, raw or base64)