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A-Shell 6.5 Development Notes

XTREE local validation refinement:  Add new field XTR.XDIRTY to XTRCTL structure to inform local validation SBX routine when the cell referenced by XTR.XROW and XTR.XCOL was changed. Since the local validation SBX only receives the current answer row, it can't otherwise tell if the cell had been changed if the column is marked for unconditional validation.

XTRCTL structure (in XTREE.SDF) updated as follows:

defstruct XTRCTL 


    map2 SHOWFOOTER,B,1         ! [138] Show footer

    map2 FOOTERSTYLE,B,1        ! [138] same XTHSF_xxx flags as HEADERSTYLE (6.3.1537+)

    map2 COLID,B,1              ! [140] column ID 

    map2 COLTYPEID,B,1          ! [141] column Type ID

    map2 XDIRTY,B,1             ! [142] exit cell (XROW,XCOL) was changed (i.e. dirty)

    map2 UNUSED2,X,9            ! [142] was 10 [141] was 11 [140] was 12

                                ! (total size = 128)
