INPUT CSV into a Dynamic Array

New language feature: INPUT CSV into a dynamic array. Syntax:

DIMX ary(n), X, 0, auto_extend


INPUT CSV #ch, ary()

The above syntax is equivalent to...

INPUT CSV #ch, ary(1), ary(2), ...

where the number of array elements specified is automatically adjusted at runtime to the number of fields on the line.

Requirements / Comments:

•   Compiler edit 854+

•   The ary() must be allocated with DIMX, and must be of type X.

•   The array element size doesn't have to be 0 (i.e. dynamically sized), but if not, individual fields may be truncated as needed.

•   For auto_extend arrays (highly recommended), the extent will be set to the number of fields input, with 0 indicating none (probably EOF).

•   In the case of a non auto_extend array, any fields on the input line beyond the fixed extent of the array will be discarded.

See the SOSFUNC:FNCSVUTL.BSI module for an example of using INPUT CSV into an array to convert each line of a CSV file into an ordmap.