
This document is a record of the changes made to A-Shell 6.5, beginning with build 1600 of May 2017. Changes to the previous versions of A-Shell can be found with their respective software releases on the A-Shell downloads page, and a record of all changes to A-Shell since its inception can be found in the A-Shell Development History documentation.


The notes in this document are shown twice:

•   Notes by Version and Date: Includes all A-Shell changes regardless of type or significance.

•   Notes by Subject: Does not include bug fixes.


Any time a topic in the table of contents (at left) displays a little book or folder to it, click on the topic or mark to expand the table of contents and see the individual notes.

Text Colors

In the "Notes by version and date" section, the authors use text colors to keep track of the status of the different development notes:

•   Items that have been transferred to the A-Shell Reference (purple-ish)—i.e., the main A-Shell documentation set has been updated with these changes.

•   Items such as bug fixes and minor revisions, which are not being so transferred (green-ish).

•   Items which need to be transferred to the main A-Shell documentation but which have not yet gotten there (black).

When doing the 6.5 to 6.6 doc conversion work, remember to get a copy of the AshRef from HG and put into the Google Drive archive.