
XTREE enhancement: exporting to a spreadsheet now supports the footers if XTR.SHOWFOOTER=1. Also, when exporting in the full XLSX mode (see SBR=XTREE_EXPCSV2XLSX), if the Advanced Coldef Parameter Title is defined, it will be used as a banner. The special macro tokens (e.g. %date%) are supported but %page% and %total% (which don't make any sense in the banner of a spreadsheet) are just converted to blanks, as are the justification separators (|).


XTREE refinement: increase the threshhold for switching to the larger "+" and "-" MLVL buttons (see 6.5.1706) for standard 96 dpi (non -dpm) mode.


XTREE Auto-Filter refinement: specifying Filter=NONE on a zero-width column now sets the default for subsequent real columns.


Increase the size of the expand/collapse buttons, checkboxes and radiobuttons for higher resolution screens, as the original sizes were getting to be too small.


File drag-drop refinement: extend support to XTREE via the new flag XTF2_FILEDROP (&h01000000). Note that as with all other variations of the new file drag-drop feature, the drop event stores the dragged filename(s) and triggers exitcode -75, but it is up to the application to actually do something useful with the dropped files. In the XTREE case, the application would presumably something like add the filename(s) to the tree and redisplay it.


Refinements to the filter dialogs:

•   All of the text is now localized, i.e. subject to translation via the SBRMSG.xxx 026,xxx messages (specifically 015-024).

•   The dialog layouts have been expanded slightly to be more accommodating of non-English text (which is typically longer).

•   The dialogs are now system-modal and always-on-top. Previously it was possible to click on another application while a filter dialog was active, causing it to be covered up and making the A-Shell application appear non-responsive.


XTREE enhancement: Add a "Toggle All Filter Buttons" option automatically to the context menu when XTF2_AUTOFILTER is enabled. The option toggles the visibility of the filter button in the column headers of any column not actively being filtered. (The point is mainly to free up header space when the columns are tight.) Note that even without the filter buttons, you can still use the context menu to filter a column to the clicked on cell value.


New XTREE Advanced Coldef Option ExportFpec allows setting of exported file name.


Enhance XTR'SHOWBUTTONS options, which now allows single or double-click (or ENTER) to toggle the expanded/collapsed state of multi-level items.


Add and revise INFLD Type Code ||1.


Enhancement: increase the maximum number of columns from 100 to 200.


AutoFilter: the CB and Pattern filter types now treat blank cells as normal. Previously, there was no way to filter out the non-blank cells using the CB filter because it didn't present a checkbox option for blank. And in the case of the pattern filter, a blank pattern was matching everything.


Enhancement: XTREE Column ID.


Enhancement: Checkbox columns may now contain text as long as the first data position (i.e. the checkbox value character) is blank.


Add Advanced Coldef option XTREE AutoNumber.


Refinement: CTRL_SHFT_+/- (expand/contract all) is now sensitive to the level of the current item. When expanding, it only expands items at that level that are visible , along with all of their dependents. When contracting, it only contracts from the current level down. For example: to make the top 2 levels visible but none below that, start with CTRLSHFT+ on a top level item to expand all, then CTRLSHFT- on a 2nd level item to contract the levels below that.


Enhancement: add the ability to limit the Auto-Sum feature, introduced in 6.5.1631.0, to specific levels in a multi-level tree.


Further extend (see 1665.0) the range of RGB color indices from ASCII 33 (!) to ASCII 125 (}). Note that "=" remains a special value which forces the default color to be used.


Extend the limit on the number of defined RGB colors indices, which were previously limited to A-Z and a-z for 52 total, to include 0-9 for 62 total.


AutoFilter refinements: • Columns with cformat "s" or "l" now eligible for AutoFiltering. Previously required S or # as well; • Disable the context menu filter-to-value option for child items. Filtering only applies to the top level; child items are filtered along with their parents.


AutoFilter enhancement: the context menu now contains smart options to clear the current column filter or all column filters when applicable. It also contains a new option to filter the column by the value of the clicked-on cell.


AutoFilter enhancement: the Range filter type has been split into two variations: Filter=RangeStr and Filter=RangeNum. In the case of Filter=Range, it will decide for itself which kind of range makes the most sense. The string version (RangeStr) uses the ASCII collating sequence for the range selection, while the numeric version (RangeNum) now removes any non-numeric formatting characters from each cell and then uses the value to compare against the from/to range limits.


Refinement: AutoSum totals now red if negative.


Refinement:  XTRSEL_EDIT_KEEP now works with the other selection bar styles.


Auto-filtering refinement: when the CB filter dialog would have resulted in only a few single or double-character options, it converts to a set of 20 fixed range options. This is likely to be revised again soon to add a variable-range option.


Add new function XTREE Auto-Filtering.


Enhancement: footer text (XTR'SHOWFOOTER) may now include embedded CRLF line breaks in order to show multiple lines (same idea as for headers). For example: coldef += "1~15~Header::> Footer1" + chr(13)+chr(10)+"Footer2#~~"


Enhancement: new Advanced Coldef Option RGBfgbg provides capability to specify foreground and background colors for individual cells.


Add popup commands $CBSETX, $CBRSTX, $CBUNDOX.


Add XTREE Auto-Sum Column Footers.


Add XTREE Lookup-and-Fill.


Add New Advanced Coldef Options to XTREE.


Add PopupMenu Command $EXPCSV2XL


Add values for the ExportOptions Advanced Coldef Directive.


Enhancement: CellList id codes can now include both upper and lower case characters, extending the total range from 26 (a-z) to 52 (a-z, A-Z).


Add to Advanced Coldef Options ExportOptions.


Enhancement: new control for Radio Button / Check Box Colors.




XTREE Multi-Select.


XTREE Drag-Drop.