This error (below) normally occurs when the statement in your miame.ini file that specifies the location of DSK0: is entirely missing. The three lines below show what happens as A-Shell tries to execute A-Shell's default startup command, ASTART, and there is no DSK0: on which to find that file. Solving this problem should be easy; simply add the DEVICE statement in miame.ini, or perhaps remove the semicolon in front of it that is turning it into an inactive command (i.e., a comment).
?Cannot INIT DSK0:ASTART.CMD[2,2] - device does not exist
?Cannot INIT DSK0:ASTART.DO[2,2] - device does not exist
?Cannot INIT DSK0:ASTART.LIT[2,2] - device does not exist
A properly formatted statement in miame.ini for defining DSK0: would look like either of these:
DEVICE=DSK0 "c:\program files\microsabio\ashell\DSK0\" ; Pathname for DSK0:
DEVICE=DSK0 c:vm\miame\dsk0\