xcall DSTOI, xdate
DSTOI.SBR converts a separated date (which is the format returned by the DATE system function in BASIC) into a Julian date which starts with 1/1/1900. You can use ODTIM or DATES to convert the Julian date back to various separated and printable formats.
MAP1 Xdate
MAP2 Mon,B,1 ! Month 1-12
MAP2 Day,B,1 ! Day 1-31
MAP2 Yr,B,1 ! Year-1900
MAP2 Dow,B,1 ! Day of week (0=Mon, 6=Sun)
MAP1 Jdate,B,4,@Xdate ! # days since 1/1/1900
Xdate = DATE ! load Xdate with separated date
xcall DSTOI, Xdate ! convert Xdate from separated to Julian
print "Julian date is:";Jdate