SHLEXC filespec
SHLEXC, short for "Shell Execute," causes your PC to execute the file you've specified, using the Windows file association list of applications. This is the A-Shell command line equivalent of executing a file from Explorer. If you issue, for example, the command:
shlexc %MIAME%\miame.ini
Windows checks the file association list to find out the application associated with ".ini" files (let's say it's Notepad), launches Notepad, and loads the file "miame.ini."
The filespec can be in either A-Shell or native (Windows) format, and supports embedded environment variables (as shown above).
2017 January, A-Shell 6.3.1542, SHLEXC.LIT 1.0(103): Enhanced using XSHLEX.SBX so that it now works in server environments with ATE or ZTERM clients, auto-transferring the file to the client if necessary. Requires XSHLEX.SBX and ATEAPX.SBX in BAS: