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A-Shell Programmer’s Notepad

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Download and Install APN

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Go to the APN download directory, currently here:
Sort the files into newest-to-oldest order by clicking (twice if necessary) on the “last modified” column head
Download (by clicking on) the most recent version of APN

Then run the APN installation/setup program as you would any other program. If this is not the first time you have installed APN, select “repair / update” to update without breaking any previous settings or customizations. If you are updating, the setup program makes backup copies of any modules that are overwritten and puts them in the APN\backup directory.

On subsequent installs/updates, the setup program should detect the existing installation. There is hardly any difference between New and Update modes; both will update all the files that need to be updated, while leaving alone the xml and ini files containing your settings in the settings directory.

The setup program It will create an APN desktop icon, as well as adding Start Menu items for APN to the A-Shell Program Group folder, including a link to this document file. It also creates/replaces your APN environment variable.