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A-Shell Programmer’s Notepad

Navigation: Usage > Workspaces

Ad Hoc (No Workspace)

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If you’re used to VUE and are being dragged into the APN world, you probably want to just ignore workspaces. In other words, each time you launch APN, you can start with no files open, and the only status saved between editing sessions will be the state of the files you edited. To get this effect, just turn off the Tools > Options > General > Remember Open Files and Projects between Sessions option.

The main downside of this mode is that if you have to terminate an editing session at an inconvenient time (like to go home for dinner or need to reboot your PC), you would then have to re-open all the files again. On the other hand, in such a case you could use the File > Save Workspace As option to save your workspace before shutting down, and then File > Open Workspace to resume from where you left off.