To begin experimenting ASQL and an SQL database, here are the steps needed to create the necessary environment:
• | Install a database engine (server) and client library. As of ASQL version 1.2, under A-Shell/Linux we support MySQL, and under A-Shell/Windows we support any database for which there is an ODBC 3.0 driver (aka “data source”). See the Appendix for installation tips. Note that ASQL talks to the database data source or client library, which then talks to the engine or server, so in most cases, it doesn’t matter what kind of hardware the engine/server runs on. |
• | Confirm that you are using A-Shell version 5.1.1145 or later. As always, MicroSabio recommends that you be using the latest published/stable version of A-Shell. |
• | Download and install the latest copy of the appropriate ASQL “connector:” either libashmysql for the native MySQL interface, or libashodbc for the ODBC interface. See Installation. |
• | Create an A-Shell PPN and assign it an ersatz name of “SQL:” The recommended PPN is [909,60]. |
• | Run sqltest1. This program will verify that the connector and client library are properly installed, and if not, may give you some clues about what the problem is. There are further notes and comments in the Troubleshooting section. |
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