At no point in the connection process will you be prompted for a terminal driver name. Instead, provided that the Telnet client (terminal or emulator) adheres to the standard Telnet terminal type negotiation protocol, A-Shell will query the terminal/emulator to get the desired terminal type. Unlike the situation with UNIX and LINUX, there is no Terminfo database of terminal definitions to fall back on if you choose a type other than one of the types for which a driver is internal to A-Shell. So make sure you configure your Telnet client to use one of the following terminal types (case sensitive):
vt220 |
am62a |
am62c |
am62cg |
wyse50 |
am65 |
am75 |
am75g |
You can verify that the terminal type was correctly negotiated by using the SET TERM command from the A-Shell ‘dot’ prompt.
If your terminal or terminal emulator will not negotiate terminal type properly, you can force A-Shell to use a particular terminal type with the –td <termtype> switch on the A-Shell command line.