Visible Property

Returns/sets the visibility of the A-Shell window.



Return Value and Settings

A Boolean value indicating the visibility of the A-Shell window. The A-Shell window may be hidden and shown by changing the value of the Visible property.


An A-Shell window created by running A-Shell from the command prompt will be visible by default. It will also be visible when created by automation, for example with the following Visual Basic code:

Dim oAshell as ASHW32Lib.Application

Set oAShell = New ASHW32Lib.Application

The Visible property may be set both before and after the A-Shell application is activated with the Activate method, allowing completely invisible A-Shell-driven tasks to take place. For example,  the following Visual Basic code would run an AlphaBASIC application in a completely hidden fashion:

Dim oAshell as ASHW32Lib.Application

Set oAShell = New ASHW32Lib.Application
oAShell.Visible = False
oAShell.ExecCmd ”LOG DSK0:[11,11]” & vbCrLf & _
                ”RUN DOTASK” & vbCrlf & _
                ”HOST” & vbCrLf
Set oAShell = Nothing