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A-Shell Reference

|G may be added globally to make INFLD act visually more like a typical Windows control while still maintaining API compatibility with existing applications. In most cases, this simply means that it will use a Windows-style edit box. If the setdef parameter contains a list of allowed inputs, this is converted into a combo-box containing those inputs as choices. For dates, it uses a "date picker" control. For times, it uses a "time-picker" control. See Combo Box Control (INFLD), Date Picker Control (INFLD), Time Picker Control (INFLD), and Checkbox Control for examples and more details about these control types. See ||c for checkboxes and |g.

Note that by itself, |G does not force INFLD to use the standard Windows color scheme (white edit boxes with black text). Instead, it continues to use the infclr parameter for setting the color scheme. As a convenience to allow you to quickly experiment with the standard Windows color scheme without tinkering with all of your infclr settings, you can use the option in the Misc. Settings dialog to "Force standard colors in edit boxes", which overrides infclr.