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A-Shell Reference

Rewritten December 2023

tab(-10, AG_ATTRSUB); attrtype, clrtype, fg'r, fg'g, fg'b, bg'r, bg'g, bg'b; chr(127);     Tab(-10,x) Syntax Notes

AG_ATTRSUB (68) allows for changing the reverse or underline attribute to an arbitrary fg/bg color combination. It is useful for slight aesthetic improvement to legacy text-mode programs which use reverse video and underline, which may seem excessively retro for some tastes.



Attribute type:  0=reverse, 1=underline <CR>


Type of color:  1=palette index, 2=RGB

fg'r, fg'g, fg'b

Foreground color. For clrtype 1 (palette index), only fg'g and fg'b are ignored; fg'r is treated as the palette index (0-7 for foreground palette, 8-15 for reduced foreground). For clrtype 2 (RGB), foreground red, green and blue RGB values.

bg'r, bg'g, bg'b

Background color. For clrtype 1 (palette index), only bg'g and bg'b are ignored; bg'r is treated as the palette index (0-7 for background palette, 8-15 for reduced foreground)

For clrtype 2 (RGB), foreground red, green and blue RGB values.




2023 December, A-Shell 7.0.1752.2:   bg'r value was previously (incorrectly) indexing the foreground rather than background palette (when clrtype=1)