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A-Shell Reference

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Binary Arithmetic and Logical Operators

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These operators are placed between the two operands that they act on (e.g. A + B, Q MAX R, etc.).












raise first operand to power of second operand


same as ^


bitwise AND




bitwise XOR


X MAX Y returns the larger of X and Y, i.e. equivalent to MAX(X,Y) in some other languages.


X MIN Y returns the smaller of X and Y, i.e. equivalent to MIN(X,Y) in some other languages.


Returns TRUE (-1) if the two operands are equal, else FALSE (0); not to be confused with = assignment operator


not equal (reverse of =)


not equal (same as <>)


returns TRUE (-1) if the first operand is greater than the second


returns TRUE (-1) if the first operand is greater than or equal to the second


returns TRUE (-1) if the first operand is less than the second


returns TRUE (-1) if the first operand is less than or equal to the second


X MOD Y returns the "modulo" of X relative to Y, i.e. the integer remainder after dividing Y into X. For example, a Julian date can be converted to the day of the week using JULDATE MOD 7 (returning a value in the range of 0-6, which you may then want to adjust according to what value you want to assign to what you consider the first day of the week).