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A-Shell Reference

Added January 2019

COMPRGEXT=<list of extensions>

COMPRGEXT defines additional file extensions recognized as compiled programs.

The list of extensions must be comma-delimited, with no spaces or other characters. The specified extensions are added to the built-in list (RUN, SBX,LIT) which is used by the file loader to determine whether the file needs to be set up for execution. Files with extensions not in the list are treated as raw data and will not be runnable.

The maximum length of the RUNEXT list, not including the built-in extensions, is 64 characters.

Note that adding extensions to the COMPRGEXT does not automatically add them to the program search path. It only makes it possible to run them with an explicit command (e.g. RUN TEST.RNX). Note that for subroutines, it is not possible to specify explicit extension in the XCALL statement, but it is possible to do so with the VXCALL statement, e.g. VXCALL "FOO.SXX", ARG1. See ALTRUNEXTsp / ALTSBXEXTsp.


2019 January, A-Shell 6.5.1654:  Function added to A-Shell