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A-Shell Reference



Convert to upper case (1)

[ Type code = ^ ] Has no effect on non-alphabetic characters. You do not have to specify this for Y/N fields, since they already force upper case. When ^ is used in combination with one of ($,H,M), it takes on a new meaning: forcing the minus signs to be displayed in leading rather than trailing format. Note that for numeric codes # and N, this is unnecessary since leading minus display format is the default. Also see |u.


2017 June, A-Shell 6.4.1550:  Windows Password refinement: stifle the CAPS LOCK warning bubble if the force upper case option is enabled (type ^ or |u).


Convert to upper case (2)

[ Type code = |u ] This code (vertical bar, lower case u) provides an alternate way to force the field contents to upper case. The other method, type ^ (caret), causes problems with d/VUE which sometimes wants to treat the caret as a literal control character lead-in character in your program source code. This would not only fail to give you the upper case flag, but would also combine with the next type code in your list of type codes to produce a control character which would be, at best, ignored by INFLD.


2017 June, A-Shell 6.4.1550:  Windows Password refinement: stifle the CAPS LOCK warning bubble if the force upper case option is enabled (type ^ or |u).