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A-Shell Reference

Added April 2013

This function provides support for copying selected items to clipboard. To add an option to the context menu to copy selected items to clipboard, add an entry to your PopupMenu containing the $COPY special command, e.g.

PopupMenu=Copy to clipboard,$COPY~~

The $COPY option is automatically added to the context menu if either the SBR=XTREE_EXPTSV or SBR=XTREE_EXPCSV flag is specified in miame.ini.

To support the Windows standard keyboard command Ctrl+C to copy the selected items to the clipboard, specify the new flag XTF2_CTRLC_COPY.

Note that in order to copy more than one item to the clipboard, the tree will need to support multiple selections (XTF_MSEL); otherwise only the current item will be copied. Also note that hidden columns are not included, but that the column headers are included.

See Also


2013 April, A-Shell 6.2.1349:  Function added to A-Shell