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A-Shell Reference

When MBST_MINIMIZE flag is specified (to create a minimized dialog), the normal position for the minimized dialog will be at the bottom left of the parent window. However, you also can force the minimized dialog to appear at the same position as the normal sized dialog by also setting the MBST_POS flag and putting the desired coordinates of the upper left corner of the minimized dialog into the upper 16 bits of the SROW and SCOL parameters. For example, if the normal position of the dialog is 8500,15 to 16500,60, but you want to initially display it minimized at 2500,62, then set your coordinates as follows:

SROW = (2500*65536) + 8500

SCOL = (62*65536) + 15

EROW = 16500

ECOL = 60




Note that this technique is mainly relevant for modeless dialogs with the sysmenu option (for minimize/normalize/exit buttons).