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A-Shell Reference

DIMX is an enhanced version of the venerable DIM statement used to allocate an array at runtime. The enhancements of DIMX over DIM are:

It accepts optional type and size specifiers rather than being limited to F6 and string with size determined by STRSIZ.
The element size is evaluated at runtime, whereas with DIM, it is evaluated at compile time.
It allocates the memory needed out of the system memory pool, rather than from the user partition. Memory used by DIMX is automatically released when the program ends.
If the AUTO_EXTEND option is specified, the first dimension (first subscript) of the array will be automatically extended as needed whenever an assignment is made to the array.
The AUTO_EXTEND feature is only activated for explicit assignments like those shown above; it is not normally activated for ambiguous or implicit assignments, such as when array elements are passed as parameters.