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A-Shell Reference

Dspwid=<width in grid column units>

Sets the initial display width of the column (in character positions based on the standard character grid). For example, if set to 10, the column will occupy the same width as ten ordinary fixed-pitch characters (although it may display more in the typical proportional font.) If not specified, the initial column widths will be set wide enough to accommodate the longest data. This option is mainly useful for columns that may contain variable length text (see cformat W option above), lest they expand to fill the entire pick list width, forcing the user to have to scroll horizontally (or manually resize the column) to see the other columns. (e.g. Dspwid=10).

Also, this option may be used to specify a fudge factor adjustment (+/- pixels) rather than just a fixed size. To specify a fudge factor, insert a + or - after the =, e.g.

Dspwid=+5   ! increase calculated width by 5 pixels

Dspwid=5    ! set width at 5 grid units


The fudge factor is particularly useful in situations where some minor internal miscalculation of the optimum column width is resulting in column data being truncated.

Note that the Dspwid (and Dspmin) options are overridden by the hidden column (H) option. Also see Coldef Default.

For property sheet mode (XTF2_PROPSHEET), dspwid takes on a slightly different meaning. Since in this mode, all of the logical columns occupy the same display column, they cannot each have their own display width. Instead, Dspwid applies only to the width of the editable cell (i.e. when the cell is actively being edited; the units in this case are average character widths in the current font. This is similar to cformat _ (which see), but allows more flexibility, since it is often preferable to make the editable box slightly wider or narrow, in order to allow for variability in the character widths.


Without a Dspwid specification (and assuming cformat _ not specified), the edit box will occupy the entire width of the column, as shown here:




With Dspwid=6, the edit box is reduced to fix approximately 6 characters, as shown here:



See Also



2011 April, A-Shell 5.1.1213:  Dspwid now works with combo box cells in property sheet mode to limit the width of the combo box. Note that the width specified includes the dropdown button, so you may need to adjust it upwards.