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A-Shell Reference

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Element Assignment and Removal

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Updated July 2015

Once declared, elements (i.e. key,value pairs) can be added to the ordered map with standard array assignment syntax, except that the array subscript (the key) is a string rather than a numeric value:

$capitals("california") = "sacramento"   ! for ordmap(varstr;varstr)

$products(“SKU12345”) = PROD’REC         ! for ordmap(varstr;varx)

If the specified key exists already, the operation will replace the value of the existing element. To delete an element, a special value .NULL ("dot null") is assigned:

$capitals("california") = .NULL

Note: Assigning an empty string (“”) to the value of a key does not delete the item!

See Also

ORDMAPM for details and example of adding and deleting keys with a multi-map.