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A-Shell Reference

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EMAILX Adminisetera

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The requirements for using EMAILX are:

The minimum supported version of A-Shell is 6.4.
You must have an SMTP server which is within "routing distance." That is, EMAILX needs to be able to open a socket connection to your SMTP server. The SMTP server may be on the same machine as A-Shell, or on the local network, or at your ISP connected via a full-time connection. Wherever it is, it must accept mail from you. Note that most SMTP servers have filters to protect against unauthorized users.
EMAILX supports several methods of SMTP authentication. See AUTH for more details.
For secure connections (see SECURE), EMAILX requires the LIBASHTLS library to be installed along with the A-Shell executable. LIBASHTLS in turn requires the GNUTLS package. This is typically pre-installed or available via yum for Linux. For Windows, it is available as a set of DLLs; contact MicroSabio for assistance. LIBASHTLS is not currently available for AIX.


EMAILX is not included in the general release of A-Shell. It is, instead, an add-on option which is purchased and licensed separately. For additional information on pricing, licensing and purchasing, contact MicroSabio or see the price list at

Like all external subroutines (SBXes), EMAILX is written in BASIC. Source code is included with the license.