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A-Shell Reference

A-Shell provides several different EXIT statements as shown below.

The EXIT statement may be used within a control structure (FOR...NEXT, DO/WHILE/UNTIL, SWITCH, FOREACH) to exit the structure, proceeding to the next statement following the end of the structure. For example:



    IF TIME > 82800 EXIT    ! exit loop after 11 PM






The EXITPROGRAM statement causes an exit directly from a function or procedure, regardless of how nested, to a special label $EXITPROGRAM in the main program, or to the END if the $EXITPROGRAM label doesn't exist. Although this is effectively an unstructured GOTO, it handles the stack cleanup and provides an solution to the problem of how percolate the desire for a program exit up from a nested function to the top level.

The EXITPROGRAM token can also be used in a RESUME statement in place of EXITFUNCTION, EXITPROCEDURE, or $EXIT...






EXITFUNCTION is used exclusively within functions to exit the routine and return to the caller.  Note however that if the function contains an $EXIT label, then EXITFUNCTION becomes equivalent to GOTO $EXIT, allowing for some final cleanup code to be executed and even opening the possibility of canceling the exit and jumping to some other place within the current function.

See Also




Written February 2024


EXITPROCEDURE is used exclusively within procedures to exit the procedure and return to the caller.  Note however that if the procedure contains an $EXIT label, then EXITPROCEDURE becomes equivalent to GOTO $EXIT, allowing for some final cleanup code to be executed and even opening the possibility of canceling the exit and jumping to some other place within the current procedure.

See Also