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Export to XLS

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Updated June 2022; see History

One of the standard export/extension modules included with APEX is a routine that converts reports to XLS spreadsheet. The function is accessible via toolbar buttons—one to perform the export, another to configure it. Following is a guide to understanding and troubleshooting the APEX export process.

The Export to XLS button is enabled if and only if the A-Shell subroutine PRTXLS.SBX is present and available. It should be located in the BAS: directory, normally DSK0:[7.6]. If the Export to XLS button is inactive (grayed out), it is because this essential file is missing.
When the Export to XLS button is clicked, A-Shell/ATE calls PRTXLS.SBX which analyzes the report and creates a corresponding XLS document.
PRTXLS reads the export configuration file prtxls.ini which also resides in the BAS: directory. Some of the export options may be accessed via the Configure XLS Export button, next to the Export XLS button on the toolbar.
PRTXLS uses the LibXL function library to write the exported data into the new format. The LibXL library is contained in the file libxl.dll, which resides in the A-Shell \bin directory. It must be version 3.7.2 or later.
PRTXLS creates a new file called <sourcefilename>{-suffix}.xls. The -suffix is used to create unique filenames to avoid overwriting existing files and is based on an option in the configuration file.
The DATA tab contains the rows of the report that appear to be the primary data lines.
The REMNANTS tab contains the lines in the original report which were NOT considered data lines (headers and other adornments.)
The ORIGINAL tab contains the complete original report.
The idea is that this file will allow the user to quickly and easily compare the exported data to the original data and detect any errors. The file <sourcefilename>.xls is placed in the c:\apex folder unless another folder has been specified in the ini file.


2022 June, A-Shell 6.5.1717.5, PRTXLS 2.1(218):  Made improvements to the column separation logic. Columns with only one space of separation are now more reliably separated. Also close a crash loophole.

2017 July, A-Shell 1610, PRTXLS.SBX 2.0(101):  The basic XLS engine was changed from a Perl script, which required a Perl server, to the LibXL function library. The Perl configuration is no longer supported, and the export function is now fully contained within A-Shell and its associated libraries.


Export to XLS Example

Report Format Considerations

PRTXLS Config File