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A-Shell Reference

Parameter fontface (String)  If specified, it is added to the request to the font mapper to help determine the font to be used. If left blank, the default is the font that is specified as the "GUI (Control)" font in the A-Shell Settings menu. If that is also blank (as it usually is), then the default becomes the standard Windows dialogs (aka "MS Dialog"). If a font face is specified but there is no such font defined to the system, the Windows font mapper will use its own reasoning to decide what font to use. To avoid the uncertainties that might entail, it is best to stick with fonts that are nearly universal, such as "Arial", "Times New Roman", etc. Note that a particular font face is generally either fixed pitch (e.g. "Courier New", "Lucida Console") or proportional ("MS Dialog", "Arial", etc.) Note that to request a special symbol font, such as Wingdings or Symbol, you should also set the FA_SYMBOL bit in the fontattr parameter.