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A-Shell Reference

FONTHEIGHT = <# points>

FONTWIDTH = <# device units>

(Windows only, PASSTHROUGH must be off.) These two commands allow you to specify the height and width of the font to be used. They apply to Windows graphics printers only, and are largely superseded by the newer PITCH=AUTO and CPP commands, which are much easier to use in most cases. The FONTHEIGHT units are points (1/72") but do not include the vertical leading (between line spacing), and only integers are allowed. FONTWIDTH, on the other hand, is expressed in "device logical units" which are somewhat difficult to fathom, and may be relative to the font and device. The FONTHEIGHT and FONTWIDTH are not always independently selectable. Thus, some trial and error may be required. As an example, on most modern HP LaserJet printers with a built-in scalable Courier font, you can get a font suitable for 132 column 6 lines-per-inch printing with the following:


FONT = Courier New





You can change fonts in mid report using the embedded Print Directives.

See the PITCH=AUTO command for a much simpler way to select a font size.

FONTWIDTH and FONTHEIGHT override and thus effectively disable the PITCHpq command, so use only one method of selecting a font size or the other (preferably PITCH) within a single printer ini file.