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A-Shell Reference

Added July 2017

When set, the rules for converting filespecs which do not contain native directory separators are changed to allow more flexibility for native file specs. Under these rules, any character in the set of "<>(){};=/\" plus space, TAB, CR and NL, and comma—unless there is a "[" present—will cause the filespec to be interpreted as native (as-is). The only clean-up performed on such filespecs is to remove trailing blanks. If the blanks are followed by any non-blank, including a dot (extension), they are left as is.

See the A-Shell forum topic "FILE NAMES 6.1 AND 6.4" for a lengthy discussion of the issues, motivations and ramifications behind this. Same feature added to 6.5.1610.0.


2017 July, A-Shell 6.4.1552:  Function added to A-Shell