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A-Shell Reference

xcall GRECNV, dblock

GRECNV takes an input date and converts it to a variety of other formats (String, Gregorian, separated) with optional range and validity checking. The type of conversion is specified by the PCONC field.


   MAP2 PSTR,S,12    ! MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/CCYY

   MAP2 PYEAR,B,2    ! Year in Century

   MAP2 PMON,B,1     ! Month

   MAP2 PDAY,B,1     ! Day

   MAP2 PCENT,B,2    ! Century

   MAP2 PBASE,B,4    ! New – Zero for Gregorian date

   MAP2 PJDAT,B,5    ! Gregorian form of the date

   MAP2 PCONC,S,1    ! Conversion request code

                     ! "D" = Start with string (PSTR)

                     ! "G" = Start with Gregorian (PJDAT)

                     ! "M" = Start with separated


                     ! "T" = Start with today

   MAP2 PVALD,S,1    ! To-Gregorian validity checking

                     ! "N" = Do not do reverse conversion check

   MAP2 PFRMT,S,1    ! Date format code

                     ! "C" = MM-DD-YYYY (Yr+Cent*100)

                     ! "S" = MM-DD-YY-CCCC (Sep Century)

   MAP2 PCMPC,S,1    ! Completion code

                     ! "S" = Success

                     ! "R" = Success but out of range

                     ! "U" = Failure

   MAP2 PDOW,B,1     ! Day of week (0=Monday)

   MAP2 POLD,B,5     ! Oldest date within range

   MAP2 PRNGE,S,1    ! Range check code

                     ! "B" = Date must be BC

                     ! "A" = Date must be AD

                     ! "R" = Date must be within old/new range

   MAP2 PNEW,B,5     ! Newest date within range

   MAP2 PFIL,B,5     ! Not used


GRECNV was originally written for AMOS by Bob Strunk of Software Systems Consulting in Cincinnati, Ohio, and may be still available if you are looking for a date conversion routine that is available on both AMOS and A-Shell.