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A-Shell Reference

Added December 2022

A-Shell supports a number of hooks, also known as Plug-Ins, allowing developers to customize certain operational aspects of A-Shell. Hooks are based on defined interfaces to which you can attach your own (or third-party) modules to add capabilities or modify what otherwise would be the standard behavior of the core logic. In A-Shell's case, the preferred interface is an SBX call. If the SBX in question doesn't exist or hasn't been enabled via some configuration option, then the interface is bypassed. Otherwise the SBX is called, with considerable latitude to perform additional operations or modify the environment, provided it returns to the hook interface in the prescribed manner and in a reasonable amount of time.

Available hook interfaces:

Hook Type

SBX Name


File Operations


Called before or after selected file operations. See Establish File Hooks.

Group Licensing


Called on A-Shell startup to configure group licensing. See Other License Matters.



Called on A-Shell startup/exit and program RUN startup/exit.

Print Preprocessing


Called prior to sending file to printer. See Printer Configuration COMMAND.


Additional planned interfaces:

Hook Type

SBX Name




Called on A-Shell exit.

Message Box


(not yet documented)