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A-Shell Reference

Updated June 2021; see History

IMGDSX imgspec {switches}


IMGDSX @albumspec {switches}

IMGDSX provides simple but flexible standalone image display capabilities, either for single images or for albums (lists) of images.



The filespec of the image to display. File extension of the image file must match its type and be one of the types supported by AUI_IMAGE (JPG, BMP, PCX, TIF). Remember to quote the imgspec if it is a native filespec not compatible with the AMOS 10.3 format.


The filespec of a text file containing a list of images to display. The format of the list is:

;(blank lines and those starting with a semicolon are ignored)

imgspec {,title}

imgspec {,title}








Force previous instance of IMGDSX to close before the new one appears. This applies only when launching a new session to execute IMGDSX, or launching it via ATE.


File containing imagespec{,title} lines.


Send a WM_SETFOCUS to window hhh when image has been displayed. Useful for putting focus back on the window that launched IMGDSX. See MX_FINDWINDOW for info on determining your window handle.


Set bottom status message (else bottom status line is removed from window)


Continuous (spec if file of specs)


Auto-advance delay when displaying an album. Default is five seconds. Note: use a high number (max 65535) to effectively stop the auto-advance.


Close instance when Escape hit or X clicked.


Message to display in window just below image (for albums, will be overridden by image title in the album file). Attribute values are the same as those used by AUI_CONTROL .


(Albums only) Append "(n of m)" page count info to /M title


Stretch image to fit window


Set title bar (else image spec is display on window title bar)


Left, top, right, bottom window coordinates in units ranging from zero for the top or left edge to 10000 for the right or bottom edge. Else window size remains as is.


Writes switch listing and usage info to the screen.



2021 June, A-Shell 6.5.1704:  Two IMGDSX.LIT 1.0(115) refinements:

Quoted image specs with Unix-style directory separators are now supported.
Image specs are no longer folded to upper case. This was a problem for web servers running Linux since Linux is case sensitive.