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A-Shell Reference

Updated February 2017

-j <jobname>

The -j switch forces A-Shell to use the specified jobname, provided it is not already in use. Otherwise A-Shell generates jobnames TSKAAA, TSKAAB, etc. (or uses the TRMDEF statements).

The -j switch supports two optional suffixes:

#will be converted into digit 1-9 to make the job name unique. Example: -j jack# will generate job names of JACK1, JACK2, etc.)
%Same as #, above, but does not allow jobs originating from different workstations to share the same base jobname. This requires ATE to enforce the workstation identification aspect of that.


Warning: If the specified jobname is already in use, the user will be prompted to kill the existing job (by sending the SIGKILL signal to it, generating ASB Error 251, generally followed by an exit.) And if the current launch command is executing in a background session (Unix), it will assume an affirmative response, i.e. will always try to kill a job with a conflicting name.


2012 August, A-Shell 6.0.1255:  Add optional suffixes as described above