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A-Shell Reference

If label is a simple text string, a static (but clickable) text label is created two columns on the left of the start of the INFLD field (i.e. the right edge of the button is two columns less than col). The left edge of the button is determined by the length of the label string contents.

You may fine tune the size of the label control by using the format "<###<text" or "<###>text". In the former case, the label will be left aligned starting at column ###. In the latter case, the text within the button will still be right aligned, but the left column of the label control will be ###.

To display the label above the field, use the format "^text". This will left align the label with the left edge of the field (as determined by col), with the top of the label 700 millirows above the top of the edit field. To override the standard 700 millirow spacing, use the format "^<####>text" where #### is the number of millirows desired.

You can also adjust the default font size used for the label by adding %###% to specify ###% scaling, i.e. "%120%Name:" will scale the label "Name" at 120% of normal. (If any of the column previous adjustment parameters are included, the %###% must be first.

Inserting a pipe character in front of the text string (e.g. "|text") causes the label to become a button rather than a static text control.

In the case of checkboxes, the first two positions of label are used to specify the alignment options:




Text on the left, left aligned.


Text on the right, left aligned.


Text on the left, right aligned.


Text on the right, right aligned.