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A-Shell Reference

xcall MIAMEX, function-id {,param1, param2, ... paramN}

MIAMEX is a collection of utility functions referencing system internals that are gathered together here for efficiency or because they do not fall nicely into other categories. Each of the functions is listed in the following two topics, with links to detailed documentation. Interested programmers should also consult the sample program MIAMEX.BP in EXLIB:[908,30] which contains examples of the more generally useful functions. Note that functions which are listed in the following tables but do not have additional details are A-Shell internal functions not intended for use by A-Shell programmers.

In all of the MIAMEX specifications, the first parameter is function-id, as specified using the variable name (MX_xxx) defined in ashell.def. These functions are shown in the following two tables, MIAMEX Functions by Number and MIAMEX Functions by Symbol.

Note that good programming techniques require that the MIAMEX function-id be identified by symbol rather than literal number so as to make your code more understandable. Seeing a reference to MX_FINDFIRST five years from now will be much more informative than seeing MIAMEX 20.

Similarly, many MIAMEX functions reference coded numeric arguments for which the defined symbolic names, if available (typically in ashell.def) would be preferable to the literal numeric value. The most common example are the symbols MXOP_GET (0) and MXOP_SET (1) which are used as the opcode parameter in many functions.