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A-Shell Reference

PASSWORD fulfills the same purpose here as it does in the subroutine parameter list, and is used only if the AUTH configurlation file directive is specified, and the password parameter on the XCALL statement is blank or not specified. As of EMAILX 5.1(129), you may supply the password text in encrypted form (using MX_PWCRYPT to encrypt it). When the encrypted password contains control characters which are not conveniently represented in a text editor, you may also supply the password as a comma delimited series of decimal values representing the ASCII characters.


PASSWORD = secret123

PASSWORD = 2, 33, 124, 1, 98, 13, 127, 52, 44

PASSWORD = C4VnnLkfd0RyrS7Mo9kpo7bJLnzC1F678/KJ99wB1q2wOKW87Nhivb36Qi4y5sYmX+ppD

The first example shows a plain text password being stored in the configuration file; this is a bad idea. The second illustrates specifying the password characters using their ASCII decimal values; in this case it is a MX_PWCRYPT mode 2 encrypted password. The third is a MX_PWCRYPT mode 3 encrypted password EMAILX will automatically recognize and decrypt passwords encrypted by MX_PWCRYPT, using the SMTP USERNAME as the seed and a null key.

Note that although the password value can also be an XOAUTH2 access token, it wouldn't make sense to store that in the EMAILX configuration file, since it is subject to frequent updating.