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A-Shell Reference

Another unusual feature implemented only in the A-Shell version of INFLD is the pop-up utility command. This command will launch a new session directly on top of the existing one and start it running BAS:ASHPOP.RUN, which is intended to be a small pop-up utility (or menu of utilities). The command itself is defined and activated by means of the type code string |Px (where x is the command letter to be combined with the Control key). For example, if type contained |P] then Ctrl+] would launch the ASHPOP utility. A-Shell is released with a sample ASHPOP that displays a simple menu of two choices, one of which then refers to another utility, ASHCAL, a simple calculator. The source for both can be found in DSK0:[7,376] As an added convenience, the calculator will write the accumulated result to a file MEM0:<jobnam>.CLP[1,1] if you exit with Tab, and INFLD will pick up the results from that file and load it into the current field. This of course requires that the disk device MEM0: be defined and that a ppn [1,1] exists. If you want this feature available all the time, then add the type code to the default string in miame.ini—e.g. SBR=INFDEF:|P]. You may want define a control key other than Ctrl+] though, since Ctrl+] is the terminator key for some telnet utilities.

A number of differences between the two versions can be adjusted by means of SBR keys in miame.ini.

If your application was previously using INPUT.SBR, and you want to preserve all of the idiosyncrasies of INPUT.SBR, then use SBR=INFDEF:|p in miame.ini to invoke "prehistoric compatibility mode."