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A-Shell Reference

Navigation: Subroutines > XTREE > XTREE Parameters > Coldef > Cformat

Preserve foreground color

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cformat switch:  ! 

May be used in conjunction with format codes C or c to force the foreground color to be preserved even when the row is selected. Normally, the foreground (text) color of selected rows is white, so as to offer good contrast with the color of the selection bar, which is usually blue. But this makes the rows which have custom text colors indistinguishable from the ones that do not (when selected). When  !  is specified, A-Shell will attempt to determine if the foreground color is "too close" to the color of the selection bar to distinguish; if so, then it uses black for selected text; otherwise it retains the original foreground color. (This is probably mainly of interest with multi-selection mode.)


2012 April, A-Shell 6.0.1248:  adding the cformat code  !  to any column now assigns that and all remaining columns the "retain foreground selected color" feature. Previously it only applied to row colors; with this change, it can be applied to colored columns as well.