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A-Shell Reference

Added November 2024

The QFLOCK.SYS file, created dynamically along with its sibling JOBTBL.SYS, keeps track of various kinds of inter-job lock queues. While A-Shell applications are free to implement their own locking schemes to manage race conditions, typically using system file locks either directly or as proxies, QFLOCK.SYS provides a convenient mechanism for managing  multi-process access to files or any other abstract resource. Note that when a job exits, any entries it may have left in the QFLOCK.SYS are automatically cleared. See the following topics for more details:

System Parameters

QUEUE:  specifies location for both QFLOCK.SYS and JOBTBL.SYS
SBR=MXLOCK:  determines whether a job may lock itself out
SBR=AXLOCK:  affects  handling of wildcard lock conflicts

System Commands

QUTL:  view/manage QFLOCK.SYS entries


MX_GETQUEUE:  read a queue block
XLOCK:  general purpose lock operations
FLOCK:  file locking based on QFLOCK.SYS