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A-Shell Reference


Associates radio button cells within the current column with a specific radio button group, so as to allow more than one group of radio buttons in a row, or even a set of related cells in the same column to form a group. ### is the group number, 0-252.  Columns without a Group= clause are assigned group 0.  Groups 253-255 are reserved for vertical groups:




Entire column is a single group


XTF_MLVL: Items with same immediate parent form a group


XFF_MLVL: Items at same level form a group


If the tree is not multi=level, all three of the above act like 255, i.e. only one radio button in the entire column can be selected at a time.

Note that as with horizontal groups, enforcement of the only-one-selected-per-group rule occurs only when you change a radio button during editing. It is up to the application to enforce the rules during loading and display operations.