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A-Shell Reference

Added February 2024

There are three numbered variations of the RGBbg# option:





These act similarly to other RGBbg* options, except here they only affect radio buttons and checkboxes, causing the specified background color to be applied according to the state of the cell (0=cleared, 1=set, 2=indeterminate).


The effect is immediate; there is no need to exit / reload the tree.
It only applies to cells that have a visible checkbox or radio button.
It applies equally whether the cell is enabled or disabled.
Unlike the generic RGBbg= clause, there is no optional index parameter.
When combined with other RGBbg clauses that affect the same column,  new state-specific versions take precedence. For example, if a checkbox column has the options RGBbg=200,200,200~RGBbg1=255,200,200~, then the cells containing a checkmark (state=1) will get the RGBbg1 value, while all the other cells (clear, indeterminate, or no checkbox) will use the standard RGBbg value.

See EXLIB [908,21] sample program XTRA6 for an example.


2017 May, A-Shell 6.5.1604: Function added to A-Shell.