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Navigation: Subroutines > XTREE > XTREE Parameters > Coldef > Advanced Coldef Options

Row/Col Header Color Attributes

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Added September 2024; see History

These parameters provide support for overriding row and column header color attributes.

For columns:



As with most other column attributes, specifying them for the 0 column establishes the default for the others but can still be overridden at the individual column level. Note that these refer to the "real" column headers, as opposed to the pseudo-headers established by the HdrLines=# option whose colors can be adjusted by the very similar RGBbgHeaders and RGBbgHeaders options.

For rows:



The row headers, however, unlike the column headers, cannot be assigned colors individually. Regardless of which column you associate the options with, they will affect all of the row headers. Note that row headers are only visible if the XTR.SHOWROWHDR field is non-zero.


For both row and column headers, since they are normally under the stylistic control of the Windows theme system, you have to set XTR.USETHEMES=0 in order for the above options to have an effect.

In the case of property sheets (XTF2_PROPSHEET), colors can be assigned individually to the row labels by specifying RGBfgRowHeader and RGBbgRowHeader options for different 'column' definitions. Consistent with most other attributes, specifying the RGB--RowHeader options for the zero 'column' sets the default for the subsequent 'column'. (Note that for Property Sheets, the 'column' attributes actually refer to the rows.) The RGB--ColHeader options do not apply to Property Sheets, because the true column headers are not used in that mode.


2024 September, A-Shell 7.0.1763:  Parameters added to A-Shell.