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A-Shell Reference

Added July 2023

RUNPROF <program name>

RUNPROF {switches}

RUNPROF generates a run profile log to be analyzed for an overview of the program call structure and performance. The first syntax runs <program name> and captures profile data to <pid>.rpl. When run without <program name>, RUNPROF returns its current status.




/ON {:output file}

Enable logging. Ddefault file is <pid>.rpl.


With /ON, logs calls not just returns.


Disable profiling and close output file.


Create CSV from specified .rpl file.


Create detailed spreadsheet from specified rpl file.


Create summary spreadsheet from specified rpl file.


Use with /XL to specify target program.


Writes switch listing and usage info to the screen.


See Also


2023 July, A-Shell 6.5.1735:  Function added to A-Shell.