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A-Shell Reference

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Set/Clear MBF_TABSTOP Property

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Added November 2013

The opcodes CTLOP_TABSET and CTLOP_TABCLR are used for setting and clearing the MBF_TABSTOP property of a control:

xcall AUI, AUI_CONTROL, CTLOP_TABSET, ctlid     ! set MBF_TABSTOP for ctlid

xcall AUI, AUI_CONTROL, CTLOP_TABCLR, ctlid     ! clr MBF_TABSTOP for ctlid

AUI_EVENTWAIT should skip over controls that do not have the MBF_TABSTOP property when using the keyboard navigation controls.

Note: the rules for auto-initializing the MBF_TABSTOP property when creating new controls are a bit vague; these opcodes allow you to be explicit.

Also note: the control dump contains a column making it more obvious which controls have the tabstop property, which show up with a numeric value of the control number offset by 5000. Currently there is no way to change this table order, which generally matches the order in which the controls were created.


2013 November, A-Shell 6.1.1368:  Added opcodes to A-Shell.