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A-Shell Reference

xcall SETJTB, job-table-variable

SETJTB is the converse of GETJTB and operates on the same format structured variable. It writes back each field into the job control block (with the exception of the job number, which cannot be changed), and thus may be used to change PPNs and devices, or to change the job name.


Care must be taken when using SETJTB, as it does not perform any checking on the values within the job table variable, and it is possible to store invalid information in your job control block.

Note that the PPN is represented both in its binary and string forms in job-table-variable. The current PPN will be set to the string values only if both binary fields contain zero. (Using the string fields is preferable, since they support the full range of 000-999, while the single byte binary versions are limited to octal values 0-377.)