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Simple Plain Text Messages

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This case does not require much elaboration. Just put your message either entirely in the body parameter, either as a text string with CRLF between each line or as a file, or put the header items in the header parameter and the rest of the message in the body parameter. The signature is optional, and if present is treated logically just like a continuation of the message body. No special flags are needed in opflags. Here is an extremely simple example which does not even use on a configuration file:


   MAP2 EM’TO,S,200

   MAP2 EM’FROM,S,50

   MAP2 EM’HEADER,S,1000

   MAP2 EM’BODY,S,2000

   MAP2 EM’SERVER,S,20,""

   MAP2 EM’HOST,S,20,""


   MAP2 CRLF$,S,2



EM’TO = "" + chr(13) + ""

EM’FROM = ""

CRLF$ = chr(13) + chr(10)

EM’HEADER = "To: Louis" + CRLF$ + "From: Marie" + CRLF$ &

   + "Subject: cake recipes"

EM’BODY = "Dear Louis," + CRLF$ &

   + "What is this ‘cake’ I keep hearing so much about?" &

   + CRLF$ + "Je t’aime, Marie"



IF EM’STATUS # 0 then print "Error #";EM’STATUS;" – ";EM’ERRMSG