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A-Shell Reference

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Special $ Variables

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Revised January 2024; see History

The DO file processor supports various special information variables or built-in macros which  all have a $ prefix, followed by one or more alphabetic characters and possibly an arithmetic suffix. The supported variables are listed here; those that are A-Shell extensions are noted at the end of the list.

Also note that the special $ variables are only expanded within DO files, not CMD files.




Original device (e.g. "DSK0:")


Original ppn (e.g. "7,6")


Real dollar sign


Time of day in 24 hour HH:MM format (e.g. "13:27")


Current date in YYMMDD format


Current day of week as a number (0=Mon, 1=Tue,...)


Current job name (e.g. "TSKAAA")


Current terminal name


Current terminal driver name


Current OS (e.g. "AIX")


Current OS version


Current radix (e.g. "8" or "16")


Current language (e.g. "ENGLISH")


Yes character (e.g. "Y")


No character (e.g. "N")


Current login name (e.g. "root")


The following are supported only under A-Shell:




Current host full path (e.g. "/vm/miame/dsk0/001004")


Current host disk (e.g. "dsk0")


Current host ppn (e.g. "001004")


MIAME environmental variable definition (e.g. "/vm/miame")


Each of these evaluates to current date in the specified format, with an optional +/- days adjustment.




These special information variables are typically used in IF statements or in output messages.

Note that unlike ASB string symbols defined with the DEFINE statement, these special $ variables in DO files do not contain their own quotes, so if they are used in a context that requires a quoted string, explicit quotes must be added.


IF "$NU" = "jack"      ; (correct)

IF $NU = jack          ; (incorrect)


IF LEFT("$NJ",3) = "TAS"          ; (correct)

IF LEFT($NJ,3) = "TAS"            ; (incorrect)

IF "LEFT($NJ,3)" = "TAS"          ; (incorrect)


If today were December 1, 2023, then:

$MMDDYY       equals     120123

$MMDDYY+15    equals     121623

$DDMMYY       equals     011223

$DDMMYY-1     equals     301123

$YYMMDD       equals     231201

$YYMMDD+32    equals     240101



2024 January, A-Shell 7.0.1753:  Support added for date variables.