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A-Shell Reference

xcall SQL, opcode, cmdhdr {,parm1,…,parmN}

SQL provides direct access (query/read/write/update) to SQL databases, in particular MySQL and any database supported by an OBDC driver. The name of the routine is SQL as shown here, but the name of the option/module in A-Shell is "ASQL." Information on ASQL is in its own document, for which see the documentation page on the A-Shell web site.

Note that ASQL is a licensed A-Shell option. If you try to use XCALL SQL without having licensed ASQL, you will get an error message and a usage restriction. That restriction—A-Shell going into demo mode—can be reset by closing and then restarting the session.


2009 February, A-Shell 5.1.1138:  Routine added to A-Shell